Celebrating nature in Wales Nature Week!
Wales Nature Week is coming! An annual celebration of nature featuring the fantastic habitats and species of Wales.
Our virtual set of events commence with a welcome return of the Garden BioBlitz- you can take part across Wales by spotting and sharing nature visitors and residents in your garden. Helpful tips and support from our community of experts will ensure your participation is fun and informative.
The celebration continues with a focus each day on habitat types and the species they support. Brought to you by Local Nature Partnerships in Wales, it’s an opportunity to discover nature on your doorstep, who lives there and how you can help nature by partnering up with your Local NaturePartnership- there’s one in every corner of Wales!
Be sure to check back for further updates
Discover your nature inspiration in Wales, share your stories, experience and enjoy nature!
Due to ongoing restrictions arising from the Covid pandemic we are planning on hosting virtual events across Wales during Wales Nature Week
29th May Garden BioBlitz with the Wales’ Local Environmental Record Centres
Midnight 28 May - Midnight 29 May
Celebrate the start of Wales Nature Week and join wildlife recorders to spot species in your garden! Help us create a national snapshot of wonderful Welsh wildlife and discover the nature on your own doorstep. This is a fun interactive event that all members of the family can enjoy! Suitable for complete beginners and nature enthusiasts alike.
Facebook event. Event link
Resources & Activities
Video guide to recording species ‘on the go’
Wildlife gardening
buglife.org.uk/gardening for Bugs
RSPB: 20 easy ways to give wildlife a home
What bat is that?
Animals and Habitats - Activities and games (NRW web guide)
Full list of events can be found here
30th May Theme of the day: Woodland and Trees
A day dedicated to our woodlands, hedgerows and urban street trees. Featuring:
Details of events and how you can participate to follow. Events are subject to change.
Resources & Activities
WoodlandTrust/TreeToolsForSchoolsand Families
Woodland wildlife Woodland Trust (web guide)
British native Trees (web guide)
Celtic Rainforests Project (in depth video)
Celtic Rainforests Wales (web guide)
The National Forest for Wales introduction
Red squirrel field signs with the Mid Wales Red Project (short film)
Red squirrel field survey with the Mid Wales Red Squirrel Project (short film)
Full list of events can be found here
31st May Theme of the day: Wetlands
Celebrating our wetland habitats in Wales! Featuring:
Details of events and how you can participate to follow. Further events to follow. Events are subject to change.
Resources & Activities
Wetland wildlife (web guide)
Freshwater habitats (web guide)
Reptiles & amphibians (web guide)
White-legged Damselflies in west Wales!
We need your help looking for this charismatic under-recorded species in recent decades and we want to investigate whether its distribution has changed.
Full list of events can be found here
1st June Theme of the day: Meadows / Farmland
Today the focus is on our precious meadow habitats. Featuring:
Did you know the first meadows group in Wales was formed in Monmouthshire in 2003- there are meadows group springing up all over Wales. Get in touch with your Local Nature Partnership Coordinator to find out more.
Details of events and how you can participate to follow. Further events to follow.
Resources & Activities
10:00- 13:00 Community Wildlife Activity Day Saint Julitta's Church, Capel Curig
Churchyards are often fantastic places for nature- if you are in the Capel Curig area why not join North Wales Wildlife Trust for a wildlife safari.
Further details
Wildflower plants basic identification (short film)
How to make a meadow with native wild flowers (poster)
Plantlife mini-meadow creation (short film)
A whole wildflower meadow year in two minutes (short film)
Great British Wildflower Hunt
Trevor Dines' meadow in North Wales (short film)
PFLA & Plantlife webinar: Restoring and creating small areas of native wildflower meadow (in-depth look)
National Meadows Day celebrations (3- 4 July)
Meadows celebration continues all summer. Magnificent Meadows Wales will be running a few events across Wales to celebrate meadows. These will be fun days filled with different activities including meadow flower and bug walks, scything demonstrations, yoga in the meadow and more! Venues: 3rd July – Glantawe Riverside Park, Pontardawe & Llanddona, Conwy, 4th July – Scolton Manor, Pembs. Watch Plantlife Cymru Facebook page for updates
Full list of events can be found here
2nd June Theme of the day: Peatlands
Peatland habitats are widespread throughout Wales- today learn more about bogs and mires and their importance for nature and society. Featuring:
Details of events and how you can participate to follow. Further events to follow.
Resources & Activities
Bog activities (web learning resource)
Peatland word search
Bog carnivores & herbivores
New LIFE for Welsh Raised Bogs (short film)
Restoration work on Cors Caron (in-depth look)
Restoration work on Cors Fochno (in depth look)
"My name is Peat" Pupils from Pentrefoelas and Ysbyty Ifan schools highlighting the importance of peatland restoration with rap artist Ed Holden.
Full list of events can be found here
3rd June Theme of the day: Marine & Coastal
Today we focus on our stunning coastal and marine habitats. Featuring:
Details of events and how you can participate to follow. Further events to follow. Events are subject to change
Resources & Activities
Explore the wonders of a rock pool (web guide)
Rock Pooling Guide (web guide)
MCS Fun and learning (web learning resource)
2 MinuteBeach School!
Sands of LIFE project work at Newborough (in-depth look)
Sands of LIFE project work at Pembrey Burrows (in-depth look)
Natura 2000 - Vibrant Seas
Marine life in the coastal water of the Llŷn Peninsula
Full list of events can be found here
4th June Theme of the day: Urban
Details of events and how you can participate to follow. Further events to follow.
Resources & Activities
Making a micro wildlife pond (short film)
Where to see urban wildlife (web guide)
Full list of events can be found here
5th June Theme of the day: LNP showcase
Celebrating Local Places for Nature Projects across Wales! Local Nature Partnerships are active across the whole of Wales- today we showcase their work and how you can get involved in giving nature a boost in your local area! Get in touch with your Local Nature Partnership today!
Look out for infographics, maps and other information we will be sharing with you on our social media channels
Resources & Activities
LNP Cymru project
7pm Using Your Ears" Bat Detector Workshop -fees apply
Full list of events can be found here
6th June: Theme of the day: Well-being and nature
And relax! Nature is wonderful for our well-being. We'll be sharing tips and tricks for you to relax and be inspired by nature and our green spaces.
10:00 Introduction to Nature and Well-being day from Tirion Jenkins, Time to Change Wales
3pm Five senses meditation with Judith Parry, Valleys Steps. Judith from Valleys Steps helps us unwind and connect with our five senses in this video for Nature and Wellbeing day. Join the event live on Facebook here
Resources & Activities
Connecting with nature to improve your mental health
Mental Health Awareness Week podcasts, blogs and videos
Nature: How connecting with nature benefits our mental health
Mental Health Awareness Week Nature Journal
Five Senses Mindfulness Exercise (Coed Lleol web resource)
Health and well-being in the outdoors (NRW web guide)
Full list of events can be found here
wildlifetrusts/flowers, bees and pollinators
buglife.org.uk/gardeninging for Bugs
Wildlifetrusts.org/bug mansion
Family activities at the Centre for Alternative Technology
Amphibian & Reptile Activity Sheets
Bitesizetraining (free) for anyone with an interest in amphibians and reptiles
PoMS Flower-Insect Timed Count
Animals, habitats and biodiversity
This year, Wales Nature Week coincides with the following events- even more reason to celebrate Welsh wildlife!
National Botanic Garden Wales nature week events
Family activities at the Centre for Alternative Technology
30 Days Wild 1- 30 June
Springwatch 26 May - 12 June
2025 LNP Cymruwebsite by WiSS