Tell us what you see and where. We’d love to hear from you
Share your photos with us and your LNP via social media, or get involved with wildlife recording
Tag @LNPCymru on twitter and join the conversation on biodiversity and nature recovery in Wales. We would also love to see your pictures of the wonderful wildlife and landscapes we are lucky enough to enjoy here in Wales.
You can also get involved with wildlife recording using the LERC Wales App or, if you are an established recorder, using MapMate, iRecord or your Local Environment Record Centre’s (LERC) online system.
By recording your local wildlife and species sightings and adding them to the LERC database, you are providing scientists with important new biodiversity information that contributes to nature conservation, planning, research and education. Find out more about the Local Environment Record Centres here.
2025 LNP Cymruwebsite by WiSS