Your LNP is passionate about nature just like you. Why not join us to find out more?
Engage with, participate in or in some cases join your LNP to help us achieve our vision of a Wales rich in nature for everyone.
Your Local Nature Partnership is a one-stop shop of nature expertise, nature projects and activities taking place in your area.
Want to be kept up to date with the latest biodiversity information and opportunities in your area? Join your LNP mailing list to receive regular updates. Contact your LNP to find out how to join.
If you have any queries about your LNP, want to support your LNP or even put forward ideas for projects, contact your LNP to discuss.
The LNPs are experts in their field in terms of enhancing and protecting biodiversity. This means they may be able to provide specialist advice, support and guidance to help you develop a project idea. They are also aware of other projects going on in the community you live in, so they could link you up with other people who may be able to help.
If you think you or your organisation could benefit from expert advice on biodiversity, LNPs may also be able to deliver talks and presentations and conduct site visits to support you to fulfil your commitment to nature recovery.
Many LNPs have memberships. If you want to take an extra step to help shape and steer local action for nature you can join your partnership and become a member.
Membership is free, no subscription or charges apply.
As a member, you will attend meetings, receive regular updates and in some cases participate in task and finish groups to get things done. It is a great way to contribute to the development of your LNP and its aims and ambitions, ensuring that biodiversity is enhanced and nature is protected now and into the future.
Contact your LNP to find out more.
2025 LNP Cymruwebsite by WiSS